Wall: A Product of Resourcefulness and Efficiency in America’s Never-Ending Battle for Absolute Supremacy and General All-Around Kick-Assedness — by J.R. Spaulding Jr.

Wall by J.R. Spaulding Jr.

MadLab Theatre
Columbus, Ohio

Comedy/ 11 characters + ensemble, 4 men, 2 women, 5 gender-fluid, 3 characters may be doubled/ Full Length, Two Acts

Synopsis: A team of idealistic Americans sets out to build a “grandiloquent wall of epic proportions” as a symbolic testimony to America’s strength and all-around kick-assedness. However, after receiving a cease and desist notice from the Dept. of Redundancy, Waste, and Red Tape, they discover that their blue-collar intentions may not be so well-received by those in charge.

Brilliantly written . . . . Accurately capture(s) the absurdity of the state of the nation. – The Columbus Underground

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Most of Wall may be read by clicking on the “Read It Now” button above. To obtain a complete reading copy, use the contact info below.
Contact information:
Amateur and professional rights:
J.R. Spaulding Jr.
Ph.: 906-748-2047

About the Playwright: J.R. Spaulding Jr. received an M.A. in theatre history from Michigan State University where his mentor, Professor Frank Rutledge, once told him with great sincerity, “Dionysus weeps for you.” He has worked professionally as an actor, director, technical director, and guest instructor at theatres in Alaska, Maine and various locations in between. As a playwright his works have been performed and staged throughout the United States, as well as in England. He is currently the theatre director at Detroit’s Renaissance High School where he uses his super powers to un-socialize and de-roboticize the youth of America in hopes to create a new world order of literati elitists.

Wall was first produced at MadLab Theatre, Columbus, Ohio in December, 2013.