In Rebel Country by Kevin Barry

Drama/ 3 characters, 2 Men, 1 Woman/ Full Length, Two Acts

Synopsis (from The Cincinnati Enquirer): “The lessons of youth, discovered and undiscovered, are what confront two small-town friends as they make a trek from Elm Creek, Neb., to Fairmount, Ind., to visit the grave of their screen idol, James Dean.

“Johnnie is an obsessive movie buff who can name the year and director of seemingly every film ever made. Jamie has narrowed his obsession strictly to James Dean. He knows every fact from Mr. Dean’s few years (or does he?) and would rather live Mr. Dean’s life than his own.

“Along the way, they pick up Lizzie, a savvy hitchhiker from Los Angeles who alters their journey and adds an element of potential violence to the trip.”

“Mr. Barry sends his characters through the rebel country of the American Midwest, a sort of empty heartland without a heart. He adeptly blends flashes of humor and poetry to the gritty language and stark reality of this engaging highway to the unknown. . . . edgy and engrossing.”
– The Cincinnati Enquirer

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Performance rights must be secured before production
Contact information:
Amateur and professional rights:
Kevin Barry
Ph.: 513-831-4421

About the Playwright: Kevin Barry is a native New Yorker and a member of the Dramatists Guild, as well as a founding member of Cincinnati Playwrights Initiative. His plays include: I Will Love You at 8PM Next Wednesday (Los Angeles, Cincinnati),Remember I’ll Always Be True (Los Angeles, Cincinnati), The Secret of Durable Pigments (Denver), American Standard (Chicago, Denver, Cincinnati), Remembering Juliet (Cincinnati), Him (New York, Cincinnati), The Portable Max (Cincinnati), Distracted by the Landscape (Los Angeles), In Rebel Country (Cincinnati), and Track and Field (Cincinnati), which was also nominated for the American Theatre Critics Association Award.

In Rebel Country was first produced by the Know Theatre Tribe, Cincinnati, Ohio in May, 2000.