Comedy/ 2 Characters, 1 Man, 1 Woman/ One Act
Synopsis: Nettie Skeen says she has no food in the place. Not a problem for the cunning tramp as he can make a good broth from a nail. All he needs to make it really good are a few extra ingredients . . .
Amateur and professional rights:
Mark Scrivener
63 Mountain Top Rd.
Georgica NSW 2480
Ph.: 612 66 888 113
About the Playwright: Mark Scrivener studied for three years at the Harkness Speech and Drama School, where his first play was produced when he was 20. Since then, his work has been seen at theatres including The Colonnade Theatre Company, Prometheus Productions, The Player’s Theatre Company, and The Rainbow Youth Theatre, among others. His verse play Narrow Roads to Inner Lands was broadcast on Oneword Radio in the UK, and he has had over 80 poems and other pieces published in Australian newspapers and magazines, including The Australian, The Sydney Morning Herald, Quadrant Magazine, The Bulletin, Poetry Australia, and The School Magazine.His poems have also been published in anthologies from Thomas Nelson and Co. and The Paterson Literary Review, while his verse translations have appeared in Poetry Australia, Quadrant, Meanjin, and The Australian. A Master of Letters graduate (with high distinction) from the University of New England in Armidale, Australia, Mark has also toured for over 25 years as a performance poet.
Nail Broth was first produced by The Colonnade Theatre Company in Sydney, Australia in July, 1974.