Comedy-Drama/ 1 Man, 1 Woman/ Full Length, Two Acts
Synopsis: In 1974, in “the capital city of an island nation,” the actress Gina Lollobrigida is determined to make a documentary about Fidel Castro. But interviewing a man who is the constant target of assassination attempts is no easy matter. Gina and Fidel is inspired by the author’s personal acquaintance with Lollobrigida and the stories she told of her meeting with the Cuban leader.
Amateur and professional rights:
Zsolt Pozsgai
H-7630 Pécs, Tétény u. 28.
Ph.: 00-36-30-2791324
About the Playwright: Award-winning dramatist Zsolt Pozsgai’s plays have been seen worldwide. He is a winner of the European Drama Award, and three-time winner of the Hungarian Playwright’s Competition. Liselotte in May, his most performed play, premiered at the Deutsches Theater, Budapest, Hungary, in May, 2002 and has since been seen in over 22 stagings from New York City to Geneva, Switzerland to Vancouver, Canada. By the end of 2014, 57 of Pozsgai’s pieces, including tragedies, comedies, farces, and plays with music, had been performed in 87 theatres. He has also worked widely as a stage director, and as a writer and director for film and TV.