William Anderson
When the Stars are Right
D.T. Arcieri
The Play About the Menu
at Simon’s Coffee Shop
Saint Thea: A One-Act Play
In Two Acts
Kevin Barry
In Rebel Country
Bob Barton
A Night in the Kremlin
David Belke
The Science of
Bernard Besserglik
A Night in the Kremlin
Gary L. Blackwood
The Count of One
Nicholas Bompart
Julia Britton
Hello, Last Page Of My Life!
Douglas Bowes
The Brementown Musicians
Broken Gopher Ink
William Allen Brooks
Assignment: Impossible
Roger Butterley
A Christmas Carol
Giuseppe Cafiero
James Joyce and
the Witches’ Sabbath
Ken Cameron
My One and Only
Charles Carr
The Dangerous Christmas
Serjio Castrellon
The Lovers of Cealg
John Chambers
Albert Finney Doesn’t Live
Here Anymore
Robin Hood &
The Raven’s Revenge
David W. Christner
Red Hot Mamas
Carole Clement
Babes in America
Michael Colby
Delphi or Bust
Sara Crawford
The Spins
Luis Miguel González
La Negra (The Negress)
Daniel Curzon
Christmas Naughty and
Sean Dawes
The Billabong Circus
Elizabeth DeVolder
Jonathan Dorf
Beef Junkies
William Missouri Downs
Nights at the Round Table
David Earle
Julia Edwards
G. Scott Eldredge
Second Sight
James Fradrich
North Atlantic
Lucas Foss
Little Voices
George Freek
Becoming Strangers
For Left Handed Piano With
Miriam Gallagher
Just Desserts (a triple bill):
– Easter Eggs
– Lemon Soufflé
– Omlettes
C.E. Gatchalian
Rob George
Errol Flynn’s Great
Big Adventure Book for Boys
Antonio Gradanti
David M. Graham
And the Stones Will
Cry Out
Diane Grant
A Dog’s Life
Ron Grant
Cafe Hollywood
Bruce Guelden
The Great American Western
Josepha Gutelius
Miracle Mile
Peter Harrison
Odd Job Man
Zoe Henderson
The Not-So-Secret Life of
Rowena Riddle (Superhero)
Donna Hoke
Christmas 2.0
Bob Jensenius
Moosebreath, Maine
Arthur M. Jolly
The Christmas Princess
Jonathan Joy
American Standard
Paul Katz
Slay It With Music
Katherine Koller
Valentin Krasnogorov
The Cruel Lesson
Rachel Rubin Ladutke
Grace Notes
Steve Lambert
Happy Happy Happy
Christiane D. Leach
Mattie Lennon
And All His Songs Were Sad
Peter Linka
Arthur and Paul
David Lohrey
12½ Full-Lengths
Sex Talk(s) (a triple bill):
– One, Two, Three
– In a Newark Minute
– Sperm Counts
Jean Mann
The Billabong Circus
Julie Marino
Cathexis . . . or is it
something else?
Welcome to Paradise
Gerald Jay Markoe
Delphi or Bust
Jill Marshall-Work
Belles of the Mill
Conni Massing
Oh! Christmas Tree
Frank Moher
All I Ever Wanted
Henry D. Murray
The Hearing Trumpet
Tracey Knight Narang
To Each Their Own
Dan Noonan
Out Among The Dragons
Joanna Alexandra Norland
Virgin on Exile
Hal Parrott
Gordon Pengilly
Sandra Perlman
In Search of Red River Dog
Arthur and Paul
Gerald Reid
McLuhan: The Musical
Jim Reyland
Maria Rio
Dear Miss Ophelia
Kenneth Robbins
The Audition
Fred Rohan Vargas
Gary Earl Ross
The Best Woman
Alan Rossett
Cat As Cat Can
Mark Scrivener
The Fox’s Reward
The Tiger, the Brahman, and the Jackal
The Wind and the Sun (from Aesop)
Sean Slater
The Business Lunch
Don’t Touch Me With Your Right Hand
Jason Sherbundy
Jack and the Beanstalk
Ed Shockley
Nobody’s Listening
Tom Smith
A Christmas Carol
J.R. Spaulding Jr.
Wall: A Product of Resourcefulness and Efficiency in America’s Never-Ending Battle for Absolute Supremacy and General All-Around Kick-Assedness
Eugene Stickland
All Clear
Linda Stockham
Divorce Sale
M. Stefan Strozier
Guns, Shackles & Wintercoats
Shari and Jerry Tallon
Dinosaur Rock
Jonathan Talmadge
The Weavers
Jules Tasca
The Balkan Women
Anna Tatelman
Life on the Moon
Dan Taube
Monster Girl
Marcy Telles
The Brementown Musicians
Paul Thain
Black Widow
Evdokimos Tsolakidis
Rhonda Trodd
Supreme Dream
Our Lady of Stone
You Can’t Get Uptown
on the Downtown Train
Philip C. Wagner
Norman Weinstein
Arthur of the Little Round Table
Eric G. Westerlund
Close to Home
La-Tonia Denise Willis
Michael G. Wilmot
Buying the Moose
Lee Wilson
Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol
Lou Anne Wright
Nights at the Round Table