Drama / 7 Characters, 5 Men, 2 Women/ One act
Synopsis: Lost and alone at night on an unfamiliar, desolate country road following an auto accident, Sam Kaufman, a middle-aged businessman, seeks help at an eerily unimpressive roadside motel. Its bleak and depressing ambience, however, is nothing compared to the bizarre behavior of the manager and his guests. Gradually, Sam comes to realize the macabre circumstances of where he is and that the road that led him to this motel was, in fact, a road to nowhere.
This stage version of A Road to Nowhere is the basis for the multiple award winning film:
Performance rights must be secured before production
Contact Information:
Amateur and professional rights:
David Earle
1027 Ridgeview Ct.
Indian Hills, NV
89705 USA
Email: ButADream@cs.com
Ph.: 775-220-9273
About the Playwright: Award-winning writer David Earle was born and raised in Anaheim, California, and lived 15 years in the Los Angeles area where he worked at various entertainment industry companies — Taft/Barish Productions, New World Pictures, Rogers & Cowan, Hollywood Records, and at Walt Disney in Creative Development at Disney Imagineering. In addition to A Road to Nowhere, his plays include Postnuptials, After the Wedding, and They’re Having a Deadly Good Time.
His screenplay adaptations of both A Road to Nowhere and Postnuptials (unproduced) have been nominated for or won several awards at film festivals internationally, as has his adaptation of his sci-fi novel Life Is But A Dream (available on Amazon). In total, his screenplays have earned 63 awards and nominations at film festivals and screenplay competitions worldwide.
The Inclusion and Equity department of the Writers Guild of America West chose Life Is But A Dream for a full cast industry reading at the WGAW building due to the ethnic diversity of its characters. His (unproduced) five-episode true story limited series, Pelée, has also won multiple awards internationally. His most recently completed screenplay is another true story drama, Searching for Michael. In addition, he has written a novelette, The Remarkable Travels of Billy Sparks, and short story, The Calla Lilies (both on Amazon). David Earle is a proud member of the Dramatists Guild of America and Writers Guild of America West.
A Road to Nowhere was first produced at The Group Repertory Theatre in North Hollywood, California, USA in June, 1983.